Liposuction for Men | Male Liposuction Surgery | UK
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Liposuction for Men

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Medically reviewed by Dr Kam Singh Bsc(Hons), MRCGP, MBCAM

Medical Advisory Committee for Nu Cosmetic Clinic

Last Reviewed February 20th 2024

Liposuction for Men

Majority of male despite leading an active and healthy lifestyle are struggling with unwanted and stubborn areas of fat which are hard to get rid of. Liposuction for Men Surgery can help you.

There was a time when Liposuction, also known as liposculpture or suction assisted lipectomy was considered a cosmetic procedure only for women. Well, in the past decade, more men than ever are seeking liposuction or fat removal procedure. This plastic surgery procedure is usually performed to remove isolated pockets of fat which are resistant to diet & exercise and reshape the body contour lines.

There are many men who have lost weight and yet they retain isolated pockets of fat along their waist line, buttock, thigh or groin area. For these men, liposuction can do wonders. By removing the fat pockets, liposuction can also reshape the contour lines and improve the body aesthetics to give more masculine look.

Our aim at Nu Cosmetic Clinic is to offer you personalised treatment plan which meets your needs and hence we can refer you for traditional liposculpture, laser liposuction and the most popular Vaser liposuction. Each of them have their own advantages and dis-advantages. However, Vaser Liposuction popularity is increasing rapidly as it is done under local anaesthesia and you are allowed to return home the same day.

On what part of the body can liposuction be performed?

• Back of neck
• Buttocks
• Back of the thighs
• Inside of the knees
• Back
• Waist- especially the love handles


The Clinics we refer you to are situated in Belfast, Birmingham, Bolton, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Liverpool, London, Leeds, Leamington Spa, Leicester, Preston and Sheffield.

liposuction male patient before and after result-1liposuction male patient before and after resultlipo male patient before and after result-1lipo male patient before and after resultfacial liposuction patient before and after result-1facial liposuction patient before and after result

Frequently Asked Questions

All men who wish to undergo liposuction should stop any blood thinning medication like aspirin for 5-7 days prior to the surgery. It is also important to stop smoking for several weeks’ prior to improves wound healing. On the day off the surgery, the individual should stop eating or drinking at least 8 hours prior to surgery, although this will be explained in your consultation with the doctor.

Liposuction is done as an outpatient procedure in most cases nowadays.However, some type of anesthesia is used to numb the pain. The procedure is done by making very small incisions and infiltrating the deeper tissues with a local anaesthetic to numb the pain.Then, tiny hollow cannulas are inserted and the fat is suctioned out. In most cases, several small incisions are made to suck out the fat. The length of the procedure depends on how much fat is being removed. Most procedures last 2-3 hours.

In general, one can undergo liposuction at any age. However, the younger the age, the better is the response.Young people still retain elasticity of their skin and hence a skin tightening procedure afterwards is not required if excess fat is removed. Older people do not have elastic skin and often require an additional procedure to remove the redundant skin.

In general, the maximum amount of fat removed varies between 6-8 pounds or 2-3 kilograms. If more fat is removed, it can lead to complications and disturbances in the blood pressure. If anyone desires more fat to removed, it is usually done as a staged procedure spaced over 4-6 weeks.

Once the procedure is over, you will be allowed to recover in the clinic for a few hours and then discharged home with an adult escort who will be responsible for the care for 24-48 hours. Dressing will be applied on the body part where the liposuction was performed- this is done to limit the amount of swelling and pain. In all cases, it is recommended that someone drive you home. The first day after surgery, rest is recommended for recovery. You will be allowed to resume a liquid diet as tolerated and slowly advance the diet to regular food if there are no problems.

Most people develop some amount of bruising and pain after liposuction.The pain usually lasts a few days. The bruising will disappear in 14-21 days. One should become mobile soon after surgery and resume all daily living acitivites. Depending on the extent of liposuction, one may have to take 3-10 days off. Because the incisions are tiny there will be minimal dressing changes. Patients are seen again in the clinic regularly to assess the wound.

Most people starts to see a marked reduction in the unflattering fat pockets within one week. However, the final cosmetic benefit will take about few months, when the bruising and swelling have disappeared. Besides the obvious loss of fat, you will also notice more refined contour lines.

The benefits of liposuction are permanent. However, if you want the results to last, it is vital that you also eat a healthy diet and resume some type of exercise. Even walking regularly is recommended. If you resume an unhealthy diet, then the fat will come back.

In general, complications are rare after liposuction but they can occur. Some of the complications include wound infection, bleeding, injury to a nerve and long term pain. In most cases, when liposuction is performed by surgeons with experience these complications are rare. Thus, it is vital that you select your provider well. Always ask for the surgeon’s credentials which includes GMC registration and experience.

Unfortunately, not. Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure and is not covered under any health plan. The cost of liposuction depends on how much you are having done and the surgeon. Most facilities now make liposuction affordable by having some type of payment plan.

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